Gum Paste Lily Supply List
Diane Gibbs, Instructor
One 2-hour session
Supplies Needed:
1 Recipe of Gum Paste: you can use ready-made gum paste, make it from a mix or use my recipe below.
Cutters for the Lily
Silicone or plastic lily veiners (optional)
Gum Paste tool set (includes ball tool)
Lily stamens (large brown) (if you can’t find these, I will show you how to make them)
Craft knife (Exacto knife)
Small rolling pin
Non-stick board or vinyl placemat for rolling out gum paste
Foam pad for rolling petals (Blue or yellow petal pad, also known as Cell Pads)
Small pair of scissors (embroidery scissors are the best)
Lilies can be white, orange for tiger Lilies (you will need small amount of black paste food coloring for dots) or dusted with hot pink dust for Rubrum lilies (you will need pink paste coloring for the dots on these)
Florist Wire –#24 gauge (#28 gauge also if you need to make Lily stamens) (Please do not buy rolls of
wire, they need to be straight pieces, preferably covered wires)
Florist tape – green and/or white.
Gum Glue – water or egg white will do
Curved plastic flower formers
Small plastic sandwich bags and/or plastic wrap
Waxed paper Needle nose pliers and wire cutters
Small container of solid white shortening (about ¼ cup)
Small amount of powdered sugar and/or cornstarch
Paintbrushes (one (small) will be used for gluing pieces together the other(s) (larger) for dusting colors)
Boxes to carry items to and from class
Gum Paste Recipe:
Make a recipe of royal icing following the directions on the can or package of meringue powder. The consistency should be medium (not too stiff and not too soft). When icing is of desired consistency, turn beaters off and add 4 teaspoons of Tylose to the royal icing. Mix thoroughly on low speed. Remove from mixing bowl and knead on surface, which has been lightly dusted with powdered sugar until mixture is well blended. Cover with plastic wrap and place in an airtight container. Best if allowed to “rest” overnight.
Gum Glue: Mix ½ teaspoon Tylose with about ¼ teaspoon water. Mix well. If it seems too thick, add a little water, a drop at a time until it is thin enough to brush onto the gum paste.
Diane Gibbs, Instructor
One 2-hour session
Supplies Needed:
1 Recipe of Gum Paste: you can use ready-made gum paste, make it from a mix or use my recipe below.
Cutters for the Lily
Silicone or plastic lily veiners (optional)
Gum Paste tool set (includes ball tool)
Lily stamens (large brown) (if you can’t find these, I will show you how to make them)
Craft knife (Exacto knife)
Small rolling pin
Non-stick board or vinyl placemat for rolling out gum paste
Foam pad for rolling petals (Blue or yellow petal pad, also known as Cell Pads)
Small pair of scissors (embroidery scissors are the best)
Lilies can be white, orange for tiger Lilies (you will need small amount of black paste food coloring for dots) or dusted with hot pink dust for Rubrum lilies (you will need pink paste coloring for the dots on these)
Florist Wire –#24 gauge (#28 gauge also if you need to make Lily stamens) (Please do not buy rolls of
wire, they need to be straight pieces, preferably covered wires)
Florist tape – green and/or white.
Gum Glue – water or egg white will do
Curved plastic flower formers
Small plastic sandwich bags and/or plastic wrap
Waxed paper Needle nose pliers and wire cutters
Small container of solid white shortening (about ¼ cup)
Small amount of powdered sugar and/or cornstarch
Paintbrushes (one (small) will be used for gluing pieces together the other(s) (larger) for dusting colors)
Boxes to carry items to and from class
Gum Paste Recipe:
Make a recipe of royal icing following the directions on the can or package of meringue powder. The consistency should be medium (not too stiff and not too soft). When icing is of desired consistency, turn beaters off and add 4 teaspoons of Tylose to the royal icing. Mix thoroughly on low speed. Remove from mixing bowl and knead on surface, which has been lightly dusted with powdered sugar until mixture is well blended. Cover with plastic wrap and place in an airtight container. Best if allowed to “rest” overnight.
Gum Glue: Mix ½ teaspoon Tylose with about ¼ teaspoon water. Mix well. If it seems too thick, add a little water, a drop at a time until it is thin enough to brush onto the gum paste.